
This is our first strategic pillar because everything rises and falls on leadership. Africa will either rise or fall depending on its leadership. We hence need to build a critical mass of Transformational leaders who will be looking at unlocking the potential of the continent. Timeless Women of Wonder is thus involved in developing Transformational leaders who will unlock the potential of the natural human resources of this continent. We believe that the next leaders of Africa’s future will focus on the sustainability of social and economic Transformation and on entrepreneurship .

Since there is very little that exists in the way of formalized training for women already in leadership positions, TWOW Africa foundation has decided to effect the change needed in leadership by using a SEVEN PILLAR model. In TWOW, we want world leaders who are ready to move Africa’s growth to the next level. We therefore are engaging in multiple projects and initiatives geared towards increasing the number of women in leadership and generating the kind of leaders we need for the future. TWOW therefore has implemented a number of projects to both generate more Transformational leaders and increase the number of women in leadership. These projects aim to develop timeless leaders through Mentor-ship, working groups, coaching, apprenticeship and experimental learning.

With regard to the current social-economic challenges, TWOW sees it imperative to understand the current power structures in the continent of Africa. TWOW is informed and is knowledgeable about the African context of leadership. Africa needs a model of leadership that should identify skills and talents necessary for development, and ensuring their respective progression.


Blue is generally associated with stability, calmness, clarity and integrity, It symbolizes truth, wisdom, and trust. It is a symbol for any one that wishes to convey reliability, trustworthiness and communication all to which are qualities a leader should exude. In this Timeless leadership pillar, we aim at transforming and developing leaders who will in turn replicate these qualities through Mentor-ship.


Our goal is to generate a critical mass of Transformational leaders for Africa who will unlock the human and natural resource potential of the continent in a sustainable manner in a timeless future.


The programs aligned to this pillar will reflect the objective of developing change agents who inspire to deliver prosperity for Africa. We seek to work with all players and key stakeholders to achieve this objective (Government, Public sector, Corporate, Development and the business community).


We have areas of mentor-ship that are covered in this pillar that seeks to improve the knowledge, skills, and competencies of potential and transformational leaders.

Christine Musisi

TWOW Leadership Pillar -
Torch Bearer

    Timeless Women of Wonder Foundation (TWOW) is a subsidiary of Timeless Dynamic Services Ltd and is responsible for developing, designing and implementing initiatives that will include African women in the social and economic transformation of Africa and empower them to optimize their potential in the process.

    The platform brings together women from all over Africa and from all sectors to collaborate in the dialogue and development of solutions that will harness women's potential and contribute to the social and economic transformation of their communities, nation and continent. Through Timeless Dynamic Services Ltd’s annual forum “TIMELESS WOMEN’S CONFERENCE”, the women engage in dialogue on various issues pertinent to Africa's development and propose solutions that will scale impacts throughout Africa and enable women’s engagement and empowerment in the process of development.


    743, 2nd Avenue, Karen Brooks


    +254 (0) 703 942 009